Why is eSIM iMessage not working?
The most common frustration travelers face after installing eSIM is that eSIM iMessage not working. Your iMessage fails to activate, don’t send and receive messages. Sometimes you try to fix the issue but your device shows the prompt “waiting for activation”. All these concerns may be related to incorrect settings, network issues, or false eSIM activating.
If your iMessage not working with the eSIM setup, I am here to assist you. Update your iPhone and check the eSIM activation settings to troubleshoot the iMessage issues.
This article is a comprehensive troubleshooting guide for your iMessage issues. You will learn about the reason why iMessage is not working and how you can it for smooth communication between iOS devices.
Why did iMessage stop working after installing eSIM?
If you recently installed embedded SIM in your device but your iMessage stopped working after activating eSIM, the common reasons behind this may include:
Incorrect eSIM Setup
The incorrect installation of eSIM can interrupt iMessage’s working. The incorrect setup doesn’t activate your eSIM, which leads to network connectivity issues. You must confirm this from your device settings or ask for help from the provider.
Incorrect Line Selection
If you use eSIM for data but your primary number is selected for sending and receiving messages your iMessage will not work. Make sure to select the right line for easy connection.
Unstable Data Connection
Sometimes when you switch to a carrier that supports eSIM, you can experience failed sending iMessages. It may be due to the unstable data connection of eSIM.
Data Roaming Issues
Using eSIM for data roaming while traveling internationally affects the iMessage function. The issues related to roaming settings restrict the iMessage from working.
Device Update Issues
If your iPhone is not updated to the latest version of iOS it may cause connectivity issues. It can stop iMessage from working. Therefore, check your device settings and look for a new update.
iMessage is not Enabled
If iMessage is not enabled you can’t send or receive messages from your device.
Incorrect iMessage Activation
The incorrect activation of iMessage restricts its working. Make sure that you have correctly activated iMessage for use with data and Wifi.
Setting up eSIM as Dual SIM
If you set up eSIM in your iPhone as a dual SIM, it disturbs the iMessage working. Make sure to set the correct phone number for iMessage.
Troubleshooting Tips to resolve iMessage Issues with eSIM
Understanding the expected reasons for iMessage not working will help you to troubleshoot the issues. You can follow up on these tips for smooth working of your iMessage.
Ensure the Correct eSIM Activation
Ensure that your eSIM is correctly activated. Confirm that you have followed all the eSIM activation steps including, scanning the QR code or entering the activation details. If the iMessage is still not working double-check the activation process.
Check the iMessage Settings
Make sure your iMessage is enabled. You can check it from iMessage settings.
- Go to Settings.
- Then scroll to Message and check it is switched on.
- Tap send and receive to check the listed numbers and email for messages.
Check your Internet Connection
If you use eSIM make sure you have a strong data connection. It will help in the hassle-free function of iMessage. To avoid the malfunctioning of the iMessage you can use the stable Wifi connection.
Enable the Airplane Mode Setting
To restore the iMessage function turn on the airplane mode. Wait for two or three minutes and turn it off. This setting will help to recover minor network glitches.
Update your iOS Devices
If you are using an outdated iPhone it may disturb the function of apps including iMessage. Check your device update settings. Install the new updates to enhance the functionality of your device.
Change the iMessage Settings
If your iMessage is still not working on eSIM try disabling and reenabling the setting. It will help to recover the issues.
Restart your Device
If nothing works turn off your device and wait for 5 minutes. Now turn it on, it helps your device understand the new installation, and recover the iMessage working.
If your iMessage not working with eSIM activation firstly understand the reason. The reason may include incorrect eSIM setup, false phone line, roaming issues, and disabling iMessage. Addressing the issue of iMessage malfunctioning will help you to find a solution. I have discussed the easy troubleshooting tips to improve your communication via iMessage on embedded SIM.
Does iMessage work with an eSIM?
Yes, iMessage works with electronic SIM. Make sure that your eSIM provides a strong data connection. You can use iMessage between iOS devices with an embedded SIM plan.
Why isn't my iMessage working with an eSIM?
If your iMessage is not working with eSIM technology possibly you may not enable the iMessage, set eSIM incorrectly, or false line selection. Double-checking these issues can help to restore the iMessage function.
How to activate iMessage on eSIM?
To activate iMessage on eSIm you can follow these settings:
- Open the Settings and select Messages
- Switch on and off the iMessage
- Now tap to send and receive
- Check the email to use iMessage