Fix Unable to Complete Cellular Plan Change Error Quickly
Encountering an 'Unable to Complete Cellular Plan Change' error on your iOS device can be a frustrating experience, especially when you're trying to update or change your cellular plan. This error typically occurs when there is a communication breakdown between your device and the cellular network, or when there are issues with the eSIM or physical SIM card in your iPhone.
We will explore how to fix the 'Unable to Complete Cellular Plan Change' error. Ensuring that you can smoothly manage your cellular plans without interruption. By following these guidelines, you can restore your device's connectivity to your mobile network efficiently.
1. Too Many eSIMs on Your Device:
Your device might have too many eSIMs installed. Different devices have limits on how many eSIMs they can handle at once. For instance, iPhones can manage between 5 to 10 eSIMs, depending on their storage capacity. If your device has reached its limit, you'll need to remove some old eSIMs. For guidance on how to do this, check out How to Remove an eSIM from Your Device?
2. Cellular Data Turned Off:
Make sure that the cellular or mobile data option is enabled in your device's settings. If it's turned off, you might face this error.
3. Reinstalling an Already Installed eSIM:
Remember, most eSIMs can only be installed once. To check if the eSIM is already on your device, go to `Settings > General > About` and look for the ICCID number. It's a 20-digit number starting with '89' and ending with another number, e.g . If you find that the ICCID is already installed, you might just need to adjust a few settings. Refer to your eSIM installation guide for more details.
4. Weak Internet Connection During Installation:
A poor internet connection can cause installation problems. This is common with public Wi-Fi networks or on a ship's Wi-Fi.
Still Having Trouble?
If you've tried all these steps and the issue isn't resolved, it's best to reach out to customer support for further assistance.